MSG105.3FM The Message
Proclaiming the good news of Christ Jesus
24 hrs. a day,7 days a week,365 days a year.
Bringing light into the darkness
2nd Christian Radio Station
started construction  in Santa
Rosa Village January, 2012.
Project completed and
broadcasting live on the air
October 2012
THE TEAM: Pastor Ambrosia,  
Pastor Marcus, Pastor Nestor,
announcers and programmer's and
myself Rev. Don Palmer
July 14, 2004 We were presented our license
to broadcast Christian Radio by the Belize
Broadcasting Authority in Belmopan.
7 years before we built a new Radio Station in
the Mayan Village of Santa Rosa. The Mayan
pastors were trained to broadcast and  
program the computers and are now running
MSG105.3FM The Message 24 hours a day/7
days a week/365 days a year. If you would like
to get involved in Christian Radio contact us
Hosting by Aabaco Web Hosting
Want to hear Personal  Testimony's of
how Christian radio is leading the lost  
to Christ simply Click The Link  Below
The above property is for sale.
Click on  the link for more info.